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Cyber security for all!

Providing cyber security solutions for your business.

Find the right security solution for your needs

We offer a wide range of services from training to full network penetration testing. We even offer non-profit discounts!

Cyber security training

Teach your employees how to spot a phishing email, password security best practices, virus detection, how to backup critical data and much more

Light weight Vulnerability Scan

With a light weight vulnerability scan you can verify what services and ports are open, enabling you to secure unused or old applications.

Email Phishing Campaigns

Run an internal phishing email campaign to show employees real world examples without the risk

Full Penetration test

We can offer both digital and physical penetration tests.

Secure Web hosting

Secure Website and web app hosting.

Full Service MSP and IT Consulting

15+ years providing MSP IT services: AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud, Windows Server, Office 365, Salesforce.

Peace of Mind

Cyber security threats are growing daily. Most cyber attacks rely on employee engagement, whether that is accidentally downloading a virus or falling for a phishing email, better training can prevent thousands of dollars in recovery due to a cyber attack.

Are You Ready to Secure
Your Business?

Don't wait until its too late.

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